I have been working for clients and my own projects in various areas of design for approx. 8 years.
What started as a teenage hobby turned into my daily job. I was always interested in brands, packaging experience and beautiful things in general. I collected stickers from skate shoe companies, drew logos of my favourite bands and automotive manufacturers on a daily basis.
Nowadays printed materials, logos and various forms of branding prevail for me. I studied industrial design at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Brno University of Technology where I gathered experience in the field of 3D and technical matters of production. In the long term, I want to reorient myself to the design of digital products, so I am currently studying UX, UI and drawing apps in my spare time.

During my university studies I cofounded what became known as the most popular self development diary in Slovakia - zurnal.sk. We were able to quickly enter the market via crowdfunding platforms and every 6 months come up with iterated version of the previous ones. I designed and supervised production total of 13 versions.
Throughout the years we added dozens of printed products, all of which have been designed by me. Supervising corporate materials became my middle name and as you can imagine - my colleagues hated it :) But I believe that every strong brand needs to respect its rules and guidelines to be consistent and be seen by customers as a whole.
After exiting our company I continue as a freelancer and offer my services to clients full-time.